In honor of Valentine's Day and my handsome man's last day at home I wanted to do a blog post about my boyfriend! We get asked the most random questions and I thought finally answering some of them would be fun!
How did y'all meet?
We met in March at my annual Spring Training Girl's trip. From then on we talked almost everyday. For a few months we stopped talking, just because we both had other things going on in our lives and lived in different states, but this past August we reconnected and I'm so thankful we did. Fun fact though that always trips me out: Nick played college baseball at Cal State Fullerton and played Texas A&M our Freshman year..crazy to think I might have been his bat girl at those games!
How did you manage to see each other states away?
Nick wasn't too far away from me..I drove to Biloxi, MS (8 hours by myself..clearly I love the guy) where he was playing ball and a month later baseball was over so we were able to see each other more often. Southwest Airlines has become our best friend. Luckily Nick stayed in Texas for about a month and half before Christmas and then he officially moved to Texas in January.
How much taller is he than you?
He's a whopping 15 inches taller than me! I'm 5'1 and he's 6'4. I have a strict policy on height..6'2 or it won't do. Haha okay in all seriousness height doesn't make the man but I kid you not that used to be my go to saying when it came to guys.
Do y'all like each other's families?
My family is obsessed with Nick. Him and my Dad get along so well and love playing pool and going to the gun range. If you're happy with your spouse, your parents will ultimately be happy with him too. I have two deal breakers when it comes to relationships and that's 1. If you don't believe in God we won't work and 2. You have to get along with my family or we won't work. Honestly this is key in any relationship. I adore Nick's family as well. His mother is the absolute cutest and we get along really well.
Who does Nick play for?
Nick plays in the Brewer's organization. You guys know I love my Diamondbacks, but now I'll be cheering for whatever team Nick is on. #BrewCrew
When will you guys see each other this season?
I'm going to see him twice during Spring Training, thank goodness! I may or may not have cried twice this morning after dropping him off at the airport. I'll be flying to Arizona March 3 for a weekend and then March 14 for a week! After that we will see where Nick is playing and go from there, but we won't ever go more than a month without seeing each other.
What is your favorite thing about Nick?
Picking one thing is almost impossible. I love everything about him. I love his quirks, his flaws, his strengths, ALL OF IT. But what I love most about him is that he is genuinely my best friend. Finding someone you can be 100% yourself with is an amazing feeling. I never have to hide my imperfections or my weirdness. I know he accepts every part of me. Even when I'm being a crazy that's love.
Do you guys ever fight? Honestly, we don't. I think we both just have such a clear understanding of one another that we don't need to fight to get something accomplished. Now I'm not saying we're perfect, but we never have full on fights. Life is too short to fight with the ones you love.
Do you guys have trust issues when he's away?
Absolutely not. Nick is the first guy I've ever fully trusted and that feeling was instantaneous. He's so open and loving that there's no room for trust issues or jealousy.
Are you happy?
1000 times YES! Ladies, good things come to those who wait. I promise you that. Never settle for anyone that doesn't make you excited about life, a better person, and over the moon happy. We were meant to live extraordinary lives with extraordinary love.
